Company overview
iLABS S.r.l. is a company aiming to propose innovative solutions in systems and devices for Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) applications.
Green technology for real world applications
Our technology provides a unique platform based on a modular approach to address both WSN powered by local power source or HYBRID WSN-Powered by Ambient Energy Harvesting (HYBRID WSN-HEAP). We refer to HYBRID WSN-HEAP as a WSN where the sensor nodes are powered by ambient energy and uses a local energy storage device as power buffer. iLABS systems and devices solutions may be used in a wide range of applications, including aerospace, transportation, automotive, defense, industrial advanced manufacturing, pipeline monitoring, power generation facilities, civil infrastructures, metering, human implanted devices.
iLABS was established in 2018 as innovative start-up focused on the research, development, commercialization and support of innovative IoT & Industry 4.0 products and services. iLABS seeks to capture these markets by offering HW & SW technology solutions focusing on reliable safe wireless-based interconnecting networks, with a central point of information clustering, providing maximum flexibility to easily adapt the WSAN platform to gather and analyze sensory data. Leveraging its proprietary technology, which has several competitive advantages, iLABS brings an end-to-end service model to the customers. This is based on a platform integrating a tailor made algorithm (acting on the gathered physical data) to extract KPIs, that managers/process engineers access, which provides real time knowledge of physical work and that can be used for real time decisions, greater efficiencies and cost savings.
Drawing inspiration from day by day work with our customers, we introduce innovation in WSN technology enabling future generation of smarter and safer applications. Our core technical focus areas are:
- WSN and HYBRID WSN-HEAP systems
- PCB modules for harvesting, sensing interface and wireless communication.
iLABS offers its products worldwide to leading OEMs for integration within their applications. The experience and expertise of iLABS team combined with the innovation of its products provide a solid base to succeed in a demanding business environment, enabling future technology.