Potential applications area


iLABS innovative wireless sensors network and device modules are conceived to be easily adapted to specific application, across different industries and scopes. Some potential application fields of our products are: aerospace, automotive, agriculture, biomedical, civil infrastructures, defense, energy industry, industrial automation, logistics and transportations. Our advanced WSN system, through its technological key differentiators, allows to overcome the different applications' related technical challenges, easily finding the best trade-off between energy availability, wireless link robustness and networking flexibility. Each of the above mentioned points are of paramount importance in our vision of wireless sensor network systems, to allow expansion of the network without disrupting operations or data collection.

Potential applications area CMC LABS


iLABS WSN system platform can be used to measure and monitor physical process as vibration, strain, temperature, shock, pressure or other application specific phenomena by selecting the most appropriate transducer. Aerospace industry greatly benefits from the use of our technology for purposes of:
  - structural health monitoring
  - predictive maintenance
  - monitoring of rotating parts
  - flight  control systems 
Potential advantages of using WSN technology for aerospace systems include weight reduction, ease of maintenance costs and an increased monitoring capability (safety).


iLABS tiny wireless sensors nodes can work without batteries, creating numerous new possibilities to deploy sensors throughout the vehicle without wire or concerns over access for battery replacement. The architecture supports a big variety of sensors to measure the physical process of interests, as pressure, speed, shock, proximity and strain. For automotive applications the WSN systems can be used for:
  - measurements on rotating parts
  - remote inspection
  - crash test scenario
Advantage of using WSN technology for automotive systems is to increase monitoring capability preventing vehicle parts breakdown and reducing hazard situations.


iLABS WSN system technology can be used in agriculture applications for environmental monitoring of temperature, air quality, soil water retention, positioning or other application specific process. Agriculture may benefit from the use of our technology for scopes of:
  - water saving irrigation techniques
  - air quality monitoring
  - wildfire detection
  - positioning systems
Potential advantages of using WSN technology in agriculture and farming are:  improve production, enhance yield standard, increasing controls while reducing human intervention.

Monitoring is vital for biomedical application. iLABS sensors node, with the capability to interface multiple sensors at the same time and to harvest energy from the surrounding ambient, creates numerous new possibilities in patient and equipment monitoring. Our technology can be used in biomedical applications for:
  - patient monitoring and event detection
  - surgical control
  - equipment control systems
Certain plus of using WSN technology for biomedical applications includes patient independences while constantly being monitored, long term checks.


Civil infrastructures
iLABS WSN system can be used to monitor civil infrastructures as well as for Building Automation Systems (BAS) and Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) systems. By selecting the most appropriate transducer, our wireless sensor nodes can be used to control vibration, strain, temperature, pressure, flow or whatever other physical event of interest for this application. Our technology can be used in civil infrastructure applications to enable:
  - mechanical stress for long term structural health monitoring
  - energy wastage detection
  - health and usage monitoring systems
Advantage to employ WSN for civil infrastructures are the optimization of functional and maintenance costs while increasing checks and monitoring capabilities.


iLABS WSN system platform can be used in military or border surveillance applications to monitor potential intrusion and track movements. Our sensors node, with the capability to work with multiple sensors and dual radio management for optimal data transmission, is suitable to measure vibrations, infrared detection, positions, acoustic variations or other application specific transducers. Military or surveillance applications may benefit from the use of our technology for the following purposes:
  - disaster area monitoring
  - unattended operations
  - positioning systems
Advantages of using WSN technology in defense applications are related to the reduced need for human involvement in information gathering, even in harshest outdoor conditions.


Energy industry
In energy industry (as renewable energy plant, refinery, pipeline distribution, electricity generation), WSN technology can be used to measure and monitor physical processes as vibration, strain, temperature, displacement, pressure, liquid flow or other application specific physics phenomena. In particular, using iLABS non-intrusive and smart wireless sensors nodes allows to:
  - harnesses health and usage monitoring systems
  - structural health monitoring
  - maximize operational efficiency of energy-critical equipment
  - monitoring of rotating parts
Among the many benefits of using WSN technology in energy industries plants, we should point-up the possibilities of real-time monitoring, enabling for predictive maintenance (which dramatically reduces equipment downtime due to broken parts replacement) and optimization of equipments performance.


Industrial automation
The reliability, simple installation and management flexibility of iLABS WSN technology make the system suitable for industrial automation platform. In such a context, our sensor nodes can be used to measure gas pressure, temperature, flow, liquid levels or other application related parameter, while accepting expansion or reduction of the network without disrupting operations or data collection. Our WSN system platform can be used for industrial automation and process control applications to enable:
  - harnesses/structural health and usage monitoring systems
  - air and water quality
  - maximize operational efficiency of energy-critical equipments
  - monitoring of rotating parts
Main benefits of using WSN technology for industrial automation can be identified in lowering cost of maintenance and improving process safety by automating activities previously unmanageable with a wired solution.


As Radio Frequency IDentification (RFID) tags have enabled a revolution in tracking, so WSN technology can be used for monitoring purposes. Our system, with its networking flexibility and sensors node capability to handle multiple sensors while harvesting ambient energy, allows to monitor sensitive packages during their journey in a constantly changing environment of logistics. In similar context, iLABS sensor nodes can be used to measure and memorize physical processes such as temperature or other application related parameter to allow:
  - freight condition
  - transportation process optimization
  - positioning systems
Potential advantages of using WSN technology for logistics application are related to the enhanced efficiency and safety of the operations for every single step of the journey, avoiding losses due to incorrect conservation of the cargo.


iLABS WSN system platform can be used in transportation applications to capture real-time data, which may consist in mechanical stresses for bearing structures, temperature trends, vibrations or other physical information related to the vehicle. Information data concerning the transportation vehicle can be used for purposes of:
  - structural health and usage monitoring systems
  - monitoring of rotating parts
  - freight conditions
  - information system about the roads or the railway
Among the many benefits of using WSN technology in transportation application, we should point-up the possibilities of real-time monitoring, which enables predictive maintenance and enhanced vehicle safety. 



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      iLABS S.r.l.  –  C.da Pagliarulo SN  –  72012 Carovigno BR  –  Italy      

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